- コラム

1972年 東ティモール生まれ。パーマカルチャーの実践者でありミュージシャン。1999年の騒乱では父と祖父を失う。
平和や自然、持続可能な開発について世界各国で講演活動を行なう中、2006年にオーストラリアのアボリジニ音楽家として著名なGeoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu にその歌声とリズムを認められ、オーストラリアでのメジャーデビューを果たす。
2009年にオーストラリアで公開された、東ティモールを舞台とした映画「Balibo」の主題歌を手がけ、最優秀オリジナル映画曲作曲賞(Best Original Song Composed for Screen at the2009 APRA Screen Music Awards)を受賞。2012年 ロンドン五輪のOceania Stageで演奏 。
Ego Lemos
Musician, singer songwriter and environmental troubadour Ego Lemos is a remarkable man, with a remarkable voice in more ways than one. Published 3 CDs, the last a solo performance – ‘O Hele Le’, Performed at festivals & concerts in South America, Europe, Asia & Australia. Won Best Original Song Composed for Screen at the 2009 APRA-AMCOS Screen Awards for the leading international film feature ‘Balibo’. World Master Awards in Art & Culture, Music/ Singing, Composition, String Instrument, World Master Committee in South Korea.
Works as the Executive Director of Permatil. His previous position was the National Adviser on Curriculum Development for Basic Education on Arts & Culture and Permaculture School Gardens, for the Ministry of Education of Timor-Leste. He is also a lecturer in Sustainable Agriculture and Public Arts & Culture at the University of Timor-Leste.
He co-authored ‘Permaculture Gardens for Kids’ produced by PERMATIL, along with both editions of the A Tropical Permaculture Guidebook – a Gift from Timor-Leste, edition 2018. (www.permacultureguidebook.org). He is sole author of the ‘Training Manual for Agro-biodiversity in Timor-Leste (GIZ-AMBERO) and the Arts and Culture section of the National Curriculum for Basic Education Grad 1 – 6 (Ministry of Education of Timor-Leste).
He received several awards for his environmental works such as The Earth Hall of Fame KYOTO, The Earth Forum Kyoto, Japan, February 2019. Earth Company Impact Hero Finalist, Asia-Pacific 2019. Human Right Award ‘Sergio Viera de Mello’ President Palace of Nicolao Lobato, Republic Democratic of Timor-Leste, 10 December 2018. Won Best Original Song Composed for Screen at the 2009 APRA-AMCOS Screen Awards in Australia.