- 活動レポート
- ガザ地区における被災住民への緊急支援
- パレスチナ
- 緊急支援事業
*The original letter is as follows.

皆さまからのご寄付はガザの人びとに温もりと尊厳を与えてくれました。避難キャンプのテントで暮らす子どもたちに温かい冬服を届けることができました。おかげで子どもたちは寒い冬の中でも体と心を温め、勉強を続けることができました(2024年12月、リンク:ガザ緊急支援:子どもたちへ、暖かい服と学びの場所を)。また、飢えに苦しむ人に食料バスケットを届け、家族が空腹のまま眠りにつかなくてもすむよう支えとなりました(2024年4月、リンク:ガザ緊急支援:食料、衣料品、テント用資材の配付)。日本の皆さまが、危機の中にある私たちパレスチナ人に寄り添ってくださったこと、そしてこの大量虐殺が始まる前から支えてくださったことに、心から感謝します。遠く離れていても、皆様のご支援は国境を越えた団結と連帯を生み、私たちに力を与えてくれています。ガザの人びとは、この 15 か月間の想像を絶する苦難の中で、皆さまからの思いやり、支援、連帯、人間性、共感、惜しみない寛大さを決して忘れないでしょう。

(ガザ事務所 タグリード)
Dear supporters,
I would like to extend my deep appreciation to each one of you for your incredible and kind support for Gaza children and families. Your solidarity with the Gazans, who were in need in the toughest times during the genocide, for sure gave them hope and it touched their souls and hearts.
I also want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the lovely, heartwarming and encouraging messages of support you sent in solidarity with the people in Gaza and our team members. We will not forget that you stood by our side in the darkest moments and for your prayers for ceasefire and peace, thinking about us, worrying about us, and strongly believing that Palestine will be free. We are very grateful for your presence in our struggle, whether it was standing in front of Takatsuki station calling for our freedom and marching with signboards calling for immediate ceasefire and advocating for Gaza or attending many events and workshops for supporting Gaza.
While it has been more than a week since the end of the recent horrific genocide. People are slowly going back to normal life, though it is still hard for so many people who lost a friend or a relative or a family member, or the whole family, or had their home damaged or lost their livelihood. The struggle is not over yet and the road to recovery remains long.
Your support to the children of Gaza, who were not able to sleep a single night without waking up screaming or having nightmares or being scared to wake up and find they lost their loved ones and left alone, and suffered during the continuous displacement from a place to another to survive and looked for a safe place or escaped the bombing terrified for their lives… those kids deserve not only to stay alive but to be helped and supported and given the chance for a better future, you donation and continuous support gives them a glimmer of hope.
Every piece of clothing you donated for the children in displacement camps warmed their bodies and souls to carry on with their education. Every food parcel you provided nourished hungry stomachs to ensure that families do not go to bed hungry. You provided warmth and dignity. We hope you keep supporting those who are still in need.
Your continuous standing with Palestinians in times during the crisis, even before the genocide, makes us feel close to you, though we are far away. You made it like a global unity and solidarity between the two people. The people in Gaza will be grateful forever for your compassion, kindness, contribution, solidarity, humanity, empathy, and generosity that transcended borders during the unimaginable hardships during the past 15 months.
Children are still suffering in harsh winter and families have no shelter as their homes are rubbles. The work that remains ahead of us in Gaza is enormous, there is much to be done! Let us, together, continue to bring relief and support to the children of Gaza. Gaza still needs your support! Your generous support can bring food, clothing and shelters to all those in need. Your donations make a huge difference in their lives. The road is still a way to go for them to go back to their normal life or heal their wounds.
Thank you again for standing in solidarity with the people of Gaza.
Warmest regards,
Taghreed Abu Yousef
Project Officer, PARCIC/ Palestine